AxisVM COM Client#
-*args, join=False, visible=None, daemon=False, wrap=True, **kwargs) IAxisVMApplication [source]#
Returns an interface to a new, or an existing AxisVM application.
If the argument join is True, an attempt is made to connect to an already running instance. If there is a running instance but join is False, that instance gets destroyed and a new one will be created.
If the first argument is a valid path to an AxisVM model file, it gets opened.
- Parameters:
join (boolean, Optional) –
Controls what to do if there is an already running instance to connect to. Default is False.
This is only available from X6r2. For versions prior to this, join=True has no effect and a new instance is created every time.
visible (boolean or None, Optional) –
Sets the visibility of the AxisVM application, while a None
value takes no effect. Default is None.
daemon (boolean, Optional) –
Controls the behaviour of the COM interface. Default is False.
Assuming that axapp is a COM interface to an AxisVM application, daemon=True is equivalent to
>>> from import acEnableNoWarning, lbFalse, lbTrue >>> axapp.CloseOnLastReleased = lbTrue >>> axapp.AskCloseOnLastReleased = lbFalse >>> axapp.AskSaveOnLastReleased = lbFalse >>> axapp.ApplicationClose = acEnableNoWarning
wrap (boolean, Optional) – Wraps the returning object if True, returns the raw object otherwise. Default is True.
- Returns:
A python wrapper around an IAxisVMApplication instance.
- Return type:
>>> from import start_AxisVM >>> axvm = start_AxisVM(visible=True, daemon=True)
Finds all registered AxisVM Type Libraries and returns a list of dictionaries including all important specs. If the function returns more than one item, consider unregistering the ones you don’t use.
>>> from import find_axisvm_tlb >>> axtlb = find_axisvm_tlb()
-, major=None, minor=None)#
Returns the wrapped AxisVM type library as a python module. The library to wrap can be specified by Id, minor and major version numbers, but all three must be provided to have a complete specification. Otherwise, the function returns a python module for the first AxisVM type library found by the function
.- Parameters:
>>> from import wrap_axisvm_tlb >>> axtlb = wrap_axisvm_tlb("{0AA46C32-04EF-46E3-B0E4-D2DA28D0AB08}", 15, 1)
All three specifiers must be provided, otherwise the function inherits the specifications from
- Returns:
The wrapped AxisVM type library as a python module.
- Return type: