Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .core.wrap import AxisVMModelItems

__all__ = ["IAxisVMCalculation"]

[docs]class IAxisVMCalculation(AxisVMModelItems): """Wrapper for the `IAxisVMCalculation` COM interface."""
[docs] def LinearAnalysis( self, *args, interact: bool = False, show: bool = False, autocorrect: bool = True, ): """ Performs a linear analysis on the structure. Parameters ---------- *args : tuple, Optional If there is a positional argument, it is considered as a valid argument to the `LinearAnalysis` method of the `IAxisVMCalculation` interface, and all other paramaters are ignored. interact : bool, Optional. If True, the user has to interact with the program to answer questions arising during the analysis. Default is False. show : bool, Optional. Whether the calculation window should be visible or not. Default is False. autocorrect : bool, Optional. If True, AxisVM tries to correct problems automatically during the analysis. Default is True. """ if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], int): itype = args[0] else: import as axtlb if interact: itype = axtlb.cuiUserInteraction else: if show and autocorrect: itype = axtlb.cuiNoUserInteractionWithAutoCorrect elif not show and autocorrect: itype = axtlb.cuiNoUserInteractionWithoutAutoCorrect elif not show and autocorrect: itype = axtlb.cuiNoUserInteractionWithAutoCorrectNoShow elif not show and not autocorrect: itype = axtlb.cuiNoUserInteractionWithoutAutoCorrectNoShow else: raise NotImplementedError return self._wrapped.LinearAnalysis(itype)