Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from typing import Union

from .core.wrap import AxWrapper
from .axmodel import IAxisVMModel, IAxisVMModels
from .axcatalog import IAxisVMCatalog

[docs]class IAxisVMApplication(AxWrapper): """ Wrapper for the `IAxisVMApplication` COM interface. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) try: self._model = IAxisVMModel(wrap=self._wrapped.Models.Item[1], app=self) except Exception: self.new_model(**kwargs) @property def app(self) -> object: """ Returns a pointer object to the `IAxisVMApplication` COM interface of the embedding AxisVM instance. """ return self._wrapped @property def Models(self) -> IAxisVMModels: """Returns a pointer object to the `IAxisVMModels` COM interface.""" return IAxisVMModels(app=self, wrap=self._wrapped.Models) @property def model(self) -> IAxisVMModel: """ Returns a pointer object to the `IAxisVMModel` COM interface of the active model in AxisVM. Notes ----- As of now, AxisVM only supports one active model at once, but this may change later. Nontheless, the interface is designed as if it was able to handle multiple active models. """ return self._model @model.setter def model(self, value: Union[int, str]): """ Sets the active model. """ if isinstance(value, int): self._model = IAxisVMModel(wrap=self._wrapped.Models.Item[value], app=self) elif isinstance(value, str): if os.path.exists(value): if self._model is None: self.new_model() self._model.LoadFromFile(value) else: raise FileNotFoundError("File {} not found!".format(value)) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid input : {}!".format(value))
[docs] def new_model(self) -> IAxisVMModel: """ Creates new model and returns a pointer object to its `IAxisVMModel` COM interface. Optinally, it saves the model, given that a valid file path is provided. """ self.model = self._wrapped.Models.New() return self._model
[docs] def UnLoadCOMclients(self) -> int: """ Stops, unloads and releases memory taken by COM clients (addons, plugins and addon-plugins), then closes the application. Returns ------- int Returns 1 if succesful. """ return self._wrapped.UnLoadCOMclients()
[docs] def BringToFront(self) -> int: """ Bring AxisVM above other opened applications. Returns ------- int 1 if succesful, 0 otherwise. """ return self._wrapped.BringToFront()
[docs] def ChangeUnitSystem(self, name: str) -> int: """ Bring AxisVM above other opened applications. Returns ------- int 1 if succesful, 0 otherwise. """ pass
[docs] def CustomFunction(self, customId: int, jsonIN: str, jsonOUT: str): """ This function was introduced to allow for new functions and features which will be fully implemented in a future version of the COM server. Parameters ---------- customId: str Custom function index. jsonIN: str Input parameters in JSON format. jsonOUT: str Output parameters in JSON format. Returns ------- jsonOUT: str Output parameters in JSON format. int Number of fields in JSON output if call is successful, otherwise an error code `errJSONpropertyMissing` or `errNotImplemented`. """ r = self._wrapped.CustomFunction(customId, jsonIN, jsonOUT) return jsonOUT, r
[docs] def DisableMainForm(self): """ Disable all controls on AxisVM form including the selection toolbar. """ return self._wrapped.EnableMainForm()
[docs] def EnableMainForm(self): """ Enable all controls on AxisVM form. """ return self._wrapped.EnableMainForm()
[docs] def HandleMessages(self): """ Handles the messages in AxisVM and the COM client while the COM client is blocking the thread being executed. It is used as the body of a loop, that will continue to run till an external event sets a flag. The flag is set in the COM client usually through an event such as IAxisVMModelsEvents.SelectionProcessingChanged, when for example it is called with NewStatus = false (signalling the fact that the user has ended the selection process). While the thread being executed is blocked, the COM client will still receive events indirectly through HandleMessages, making it possible to process those events and ultimately to set the flag that will unblock the thread which was blocked through the loop. """ return self._wrapped.HandleMessages()
[docs] def MessageDlg(self, title: str, message: str, dlgtype, buttons: int) -> int: """ Shows a message dialog in AxisVM. Parameters ---------- title: str Title of the dialog window. message: str Message text of the dialog window. dlgtype: `EMessageDialogType` Dialog type. buttons: int This value can be calculated by adding up the `EMessageDialogButton` values of the required buttons( e.g. for showing YES and NO buttons; values is: mdbNo + mdbYes). Returns ------- int The value of the button the user clicked """ return self._wrapped.MessageDlg(title, message, dlgtype, buttons)
[docs] def Quit(self) -> None: """ Stops, unloads and releases memory taken by COM clients (addons, plugins and addon-plugins), releases the Python resources associated with the COM connection, then closes the application. """ self._wrapped.Quit() delattr(self, "_wrapped")
@property def ApplicationClose(self) -> int: """ Determines how AxisVM should close if other clients are connected; if it should show a message or disable AxisVM closing while COM client runs. Read and write property. Returns ------- int """ return self._wrapped.ApplicationClose @ApplicationClose.setter def ApplicationClose(self, value=None): """ Determines how AxisVM should close if other clients are connected; if it should show a message or disable AxisVM closing while COM client runs. Parameters ---------- value: `EApplicationClose` See the docs of `EApplicationClose` for the details. """ assert value is not None self._wrapped.ApplicationClose = value @property def AskCloseOnLastReleased(self) -> int: """ Determines whether the COM server shutdown displays a query to close the AxisVM application as well. Read and write property Returns ------- int """ return self._wrapped.AskCloseOnLastReleased @AskCloseOnLastReleased.setter def AskCloseOnLastReleased(self, value: bool = None): """ Determines whether the COM server shutdown displays a query to close the AxisVM application as well. Parameters ---------- value: bool """ assert isinstance(value, bool) self._wrapped.AskCloseOnLastReleased = value @property def AskSaveOnLastReleased(self) -> int: """ If True, on any attempt to shutdown the COM server a dialog window pops up, to warn us to save our model. Read and write property Notes ----- The model should be saved after modification or if newer version of AxisVM is used. """ return self._wrapped.AskSaveOnLastReleased @AskSaveOnLastReleased.setter def AskSaveOnLastReleased(self, value: bool = None): """ If True, on any attempt to shutdown the COM server a dialog window pops up, to warn us to save our model. """ assert isinstance(value, bool) self._wrapped.AskSaveOnLastReleased = value @property def AxisVMPlatform(self) -> int: """ Get AxisVM version type (32/64bit). Returns ------- int * 32 bit AxisVM -> 0 * 64 bit AxisVM -> 1 """ return self._wrapped.AxisVMPlatform @property def Catalog(self) -> IAxisVMCatalog: """ Get AxisVM catalog interface for standard materials and cross-sections. """ return IAxisVMCatalog(wrap=self._wrapped.Catalog) @property def LTWH(self): L, T, W, H = ( self.MainFormWindowLeft, self.MainFormWindowTop, self.MainFormWindowWidth, self.MainFormWindowHeight, ) return L, T, W, H def _get_attrs(self): """Return the representation methods (internal helper).""" attrs = [] platform = "32" if self.AxisVMPlatform == 0 else "64" platform += " bit" attrs.append(("AxisVM Platform", platform, "{}")) version = "{} {}".format(self.LibraryMajorVersion, self.LibraryMinorVersion) attrs.append(("AxisVM Version", self.Version, "{}")) attrs.append(("Type Library Version", version, "{}")) return attrs